Hey, cosplay fans! Are you looking for a fun and easy cosplay that won’t break the bank? Look no further than Shriek who is the girlfriend of Carnage. Her real name is Frances Louise Barrison (source) . She makes a wonderful couple’s costume if you have someone to dress as carnage, but she also works if you are going solo. One of the key reasons I like Shriek as a budget cosplay option is that so many of her iconic items can be used when creating other looks. ! In this post, we’ll show you how to put together a Shriek costume on a budget. Let’s get started!
How to cosplay Shriek’s hair on a budget
Shriek is known for having long straight black hair. The best option for most people is to buy an inexpensive wig of black hair. There are plenty of options online, and these can be picked up for under $10. If you are just starting, I’d suggest starting with a very basic wig, and then you can upgrade it later if you decide this is an outfit that you want to wear for full events or multiple conventions.

How to cosplay Shriek’s black body suit on a budget
So you want to dress up like Shriek from Black Panther, but you don’t want to spend a lot of money. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. With a little ingenuity and some help from your local thrift store, you can easily put together a Shriek costume that will turn heads and break the bank.
The first step is to find a black bodysuit or leotard. This can be tricky, as most stores don’t carry them in adult sizes. However, with a little searching, you should be able to find one online or at a local costume shop. If you’re struggling, you can always purchase a child’s size and alter it to fit. Just be sure to try it on before you buy it to make sure it’s not too small.
Next, you’ll need a black skirt or pants. Again, I prefer a pencil skirt for this look, but any black skirt or pants will do. If you don’t have anything suitable in your closet, hit up your local thrift store. You’re bound to find something that will work. Just be sure to hem it if it’s too long. We want Shriek to look put together, not like she just rolled out of bed!
One final touch that pulls the whole look together is a black belt. If you don’t have one, try looking in your closet or at a local resale shop. Chances are good that you already have one that will work perfectly. If not, they’re easy enough to find and relatively inexpensive.
There you have it! With just a few simple items, most of which can be found second-hand, you can easily create a stunning Shriek cosplay that will impress all your friends (and maybe even snag you a few pictures with someone dressed as Stan Lee). So go forth and show the world your inner Wakandan warrior!

How to apply makeup for Shriek’s cosplay
It’s time to apply your makeup. For your eyes, use black eyeliner or shadow to create a dramatic look. For your lips, go with dark lipstick or lip balm. Once you’re finished with your makeup, it’s time to apply the pale body paint. We’ll cover tips for this in the next section. If you don’t have any body paint, white or very light face paint will work just fine. Just make sure to cover your entire body so that you’re completely covered!
Shriek is also known for having a green star or patch around her left eye. You don’t need to spring for the green contact lens. Most face paint kits will come in multiple colors and we recommend outlining first carefully, and then filling it in. Another tip is to start smaller than you think, as it’s far easier to make the green spot larger rather than trying to scale it back.
How to apply body paint for Shriek’s cosplay
Once you’re finished painting your neck, you need to let the paint dry for at least 30 minutes. After the paint has dried, you can begin painting your arms and legs. Again, be sure to use smooth, even strokes and avoid getting any paint on your clothes. Once you’re finished painting your arms and legs, you need to let the paint dry for at least 30 minutes.
Finally, you need to apply a setting powder or spray to help the paint last longer. You can find setting powder or spray at most beauty stores. Once you’ve applied the setting powder or spray, you’re all done! Now all you need to do is put on your costume and enjoy your cosplay!
Cosplaying Shriek from MCU with white skin is easy if you follow these simple steps. Just be sure to purchase good quality body paint, use smooth, even strokes when applying it, and let it dry completely before moving on to the next step. And don’t forget to set it with powder or spray so that it lasts all day long!

How to cosplay Shriek’s black boots on a budget
One of the most distinctive features of Shriek’s costume is her black boots. You can recreate this look with a pair of black leggings and some black duct tape. Simply wrap the duct tape around the leggings, starting at the ankle and working your way up to the knee. Make sure to smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles as you go. Once you’re done, you’ll have a pair of DIY “boots” that looks just like Shrieks!
Super low-cost Alternative to a Body Suit or Leotard for Shriek Cosplay
Several people shared they were having trouble getting a body suit, so we wanted to share another option. You can also make your own out of an old black t-shirt and some black leggings or spandex shorts. Simply cut off the sleeves and legs of the t-shirt, and then put it on over the leggings or shorts. You may need to safety pin the shirt in place so that it doesn’t ride up.

How to cosplay Shriek’s Gloves on a budget
To complete the look, you’ll need a pair of gloves. These can be difficult to find, so your best bet is probably to make your own out of an old pair of black leather gloves. Cut off the fingers of the gloves so that only the thumb and first two fingers are remaining. Then, use some black thread or yarn to sew those fingers together. Once you’re done, you should have a pair of fingerless gloves that looks just like Shrieks!
With just a few inexpensive items and some DIY ingenuity, you can easily cosplay as Shriek from the MCU universe! Once you have all of your supplies, putting together your costume will be quick and easy. And best of all, since you made it yourself, it will be unique! So go forth and cosplay with confidence—you’re sure to turn heads at your next Halloween party or comic con!
If you’re looking for more budget characters, we’ve dedicated an entire section of our website to cosplaying on a budget.
Finally, if you choose to dress as Venom, we’d love to see your picture. Please send us a message on Twitter @FancyMasks or tag us in the photos. Each month, we pick some of our favorite cosplay outfits to highlight on our site.