Guide to Laser Cut Masquerade Masks




Laser CUT METAL Masks

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For most of their history, masquerade masks have been made by hand, and it’s this artisanal touch that makes them most appealing to lots of people. However, as manufacturing technologies improve, mask makers are swiftly and more frequently relying on these new advances to create masks that give a 21stcentury twist to this ancient art.

One particularly popular innovation has been the advent of laser cut masquerade masks. As you’ll see below, this new method of mask making provides unique benefits that are unrivaled by more traditional forms of the craft. While there’s nothing wrong with a handmade mask, laser cutting has clearly shown us that mask making is still a vibrant and ever-evolving art.

A History of Laser Cutting

Laser cutting (for masks or otherwise) is still a relatively new phenomenon. The first laser cutters were created around 1965, and it would be years after that before mask makers began incorporating the burgeoning technology into their craft.

What’s Different About a Laser Cut Mask?

The primary difference between a laser cut mask and a more traditional mask is the material used. Typically, laser cut masks are made from thin, flexible sheets of metal, while traditional masks are more commonly constructed out of plastic, porcelain, and papier-mâché.

Even though the metal used is pliable, this doesn’t not mean that it isn’t durable—it’s quite common for laser cut masks to hold up much better and longer than a traditional mask, which means that you’re getting more bang for your buck.

Why Choose a Laser Cut Mask?

Laser cut masquerade masks are superior in both intricacy and comfort when compared to more traditional masquerade masks. A laser’s capability to make sophisticated, small cuts and incisions in the metal means that each mask is exponentially more complex and ornate than a handmade mask. It’s this attention to small details that gives a laser cut mask the potential to be a real show-stopper when you wear it out on the town. Laser cut masks really have the ability to turn heads and garner compliments.

On top of that, laser cut masks are not nearly as cumbersome to wear as a traditional mask. Since it’s made out of high quality, lightweight metal you may even forget that you’re wearing a mask at all! Plus, the material is breathable enough to ensure that your face stays cool and comfortable.

Laser Cut Masks Offer the Variety You’ve Come to Expect

Laser cut masks are by no means confined to one style—in fact, you’re likely to find laser cut masks in many of the same styles you’ve come to love in more traditional masks, and it’s this versatility that make choosing a laser cut mask a no brainer! Like a traditional mask, laser cut masks can be embellished with all sorts of accessories, including rhinestones and feathers. Whatever the occasion, whatever the outfit, you’re sure to find a laser cut masquerade mask that is just perfect for you!

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